The typical aspiring Christian artist will spend 7 to 12 years and between $8,000 and $18,000 attempting to build a viable music ministry. Most (95%) will end up falling woefully short of their expectations and going in the hole for most of those amounts. They will spend their hope, energy, and money on recording projects, compilation CDs, conferences, seminars, equipment, music membership sites, distribution fees, radio promotions, advertising, travel expenses, photography, graphics, press materials, websites, musical and performance coaching/instruction, and pitches and promotions of all types.

Some artists ferociously cling to what is an improbable pipe dream for decades. Most end up downgrading their expectations and their ministry dream eventually expires quietly in a dimly lit room in the dark recesses of their heart.

You can shatter these typical outcomes using the seven
secrets revealed in this book. Your ministry can finally secure the success your heart cries for — and your future audience members desperately need.

What are you waiting for? Get your copy and start today!

(This book includes a complimentary bonus of $150+ in online training modules).